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Live Q&A Discussion - Things We Should Not Do In Future Radios

Fredric J Harris - Watch Now - DSP Online Conference 2020 - Duration: 43:31

Live Q&A session with fred harris following his talk titled 'Things We Should Not Do In Future Radios'
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No comments or questions yet. Will you be the one who will break the ice?

20:02:49	 From  Ibrahim Khalife : lol
20:15:35	 From  Greg K : I have used it. It works great!
20:16:17	 From  Patrick : could you spell out the name of the book you mentioned, Boris and Park? I can't seem to find it on Google
20:16:51	 From  Greg K : Burrus and Parks
20:17:51	 From  Patrick : Thanks, Greg. Also is there a link to the FPGA implementation of the Good-Thomas transform?
20:22:10	 From  Michael Kirkhart : Is this the book in question?: https://www.amazon.com/DFT-FFT-Convolution-Algorithms-Implementation/dp/0471819328#
20:29:19	 From  Patrick : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/234784945_DFTFFT_and_Convolution_Algorithms_Theory_and_Implementation
20:29:26	 From  Patrick : available for free here ^^
20:30:18	 From  Michael Kirkhart : Thank you - free is good!
20:43:10	 From  Ibrahim Khalife : Thanks!
20:44:30	 From  Steve Bragg : Thank you so much professor harris!  My company uses a polyphase channelizer patterned after your groundbreaking paper!  Thank YOU!
20:44:48	 From  Steve Bragg : Thanks also Stephane!